2022-09-14 58d006e05dcf2a20d0ec5367dd03d66a61db6849
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58d006 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
A 2 <html>
3 <head>
4   <meta charset="utf-8">
5   <title>GMaps.js &mdash; Custom controls</title>
6   <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
7   <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
8   <script type="text/javascript" src="../gmaps.js"></script>
9   <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
10   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="examples.css" />
11   <script type="text/javascript">
12     var map;
13     $(document).ready(function(){
14       map = new GMaps({
15         el: '#map',
16         zoom: 16,
17         lat: -12.043333,
18         lng: -77.028333
19       });
20       map.addControl({
21         position: 'top_right',
22         content: 'Geolocate',
23         style: {
24           margin: '5px',
25           padding: '1px 6px',
26           border: 'solid 1px #717B87',
27           background: '#fff'
28         },
29         events: {
30           click: function(){
31             GMaps.geolocate({
32               success: function(position){
33                 map.setCenter(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
34               },
35               error: function(error){
36                 alert('Geolocation failed: ' + error.message);
37               },
38               not_supported: function(){
39                 alert("Your browser does not support geolocation");
40               }
41             });
42           }
43         }
44       });
45     });
46   </script>
47 </head>
48 <body>
49   <h1>GMaps.js &mdash; Custom controls</h1>
50   <div class="row">
51     <div class="span11">
52       <div id="map"></div>
53     </div>
54     <div class="span6">
55       <p>GMaps.js allows to add custom controls:</p>
56       <pre>map.addControl({
57   position: 'top_right',
58   text: 'Geolocate',
59   style: {
60     margin: '5px',
61     padding: '1px 6px',
62     border: 'solid 1px #717B87',
63     background: '#fff'
64   },
65   events: {
66     click: function(){
67       console.log(this);
68     }
69   }
70 });</pre>
71       <p>
72         <span class="label notice">Note: </span> You can use the following positions:
73         <ul>
74           <li>top_center</li>
75           <li>top_left</li>
76           <li>top_right</li>
77           <li>left_top</li>
78           <li>right_top</li>
79           <li>left_center</li>
80           <li>right_center</li>
81           <li>left_bottom</li>
82           <li>right_bottom</li>
83           <li>bottom_center</li>
84           <li>bottom_left</li>
85           <li>bottom_right</li>
86         </ul>
87         You can learn more of custom controls <a href="">here</a>.</p>
88     </div>
89   </div>
90 </body>
91 </html>