<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.mandi.fendan.mapper.Fd_VehicleMapper">
<select id="getList1" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultType="java.util.Map">
<when test="pagesize > 0 ">
select top ${pagesize} *
select *
</choose> from ( select row_number()
<when test="sort!=null and sort!='' ">
over (order by ${sort} )
over (order by a.id desc )
as rownumber,a.*,b.name as companyName from fd_vehicle a left join fd_company b on a.companyNo=b.companyNo
<if test="type !=null ">
and a.type=#{type}
<if test="status !=null ">
and a.status=#{status}
<if test="state !=null ">
and a.state=#{state}
<if test="companyNo !=null and companyNo !='' ">
and a.companyNo =#{companyNo}
<if test="vehicleId !=null and vehicleId !='' ">
and a.vehicleId like '%'+#{vehicleId}+'%'
) as a where rownumber > #{pagesize}*#{page}
<select id="getList2" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultType="java.util.Map">
<when test="pagesize > 0 ">
select top ${pagesize} *
select *
from ( select row_number()
<when test="sort!=null and sort!='' ">
over (order by ${sort} )
over (order by a.id desc )
as rownumber,a.*,b.name as companyName from fd_vehicle a left join fd_company b on a.companyNo=b.companyNo
<if test="type !=null ">
and a.type=#{type}
<if test="status !=null ">
and a.status=#{status}
<if test="companyNo !=null and companyNo !='' ">
and a.companyNo =#{companyNo}
<if test="vehicleId !=null and vehicleId !='' ">
and a.vehicleId like '%'+#{vehicleId}+'%'
) as a where rownumber > #{pagesize}*#{page}
<select id="getPages" parameterType="Map" resultType="int">
select count(1) from fd_vehicle a left join fd_company b on a.companyNo=b.companyNo
<if test="type !=null ">
and a.type=#{type}
<if test="status !=null ">
and a.status=#{status}
<if test="companyNo !=null and companyNo !='' ">
and a.companyNo =#{companyNo}
<if test="vehicleId !=null and vehicleId !='' ">
and a.vehicleId like '%'+#{vehicleId}+'%'
<select id="getCompanyVehicle" parameterType="map" resultType="map">
SELECT top 5 a.*,0 fdCnum,0 fdCweight,0 fdnum,0 fdweight from fd_vehicle a
<when test="companyNo !=null and companyNo !='' ">
and a.companyNo =#{companyNo}
and ( a.companyNo is null or a.companyNo='')
<if test="vehicleId!=null and vehicleId!=''">
and a.vehicleId like '%'+#{vehicleId}+'%'
SELECT top 5 a.*,0 fdCnum,0 fdCweight,0 fdnum,0 fdweight from fd_vehicle a LEFT JOIN fd_company_vehicle b on a.vehicleId=b.vehicleId
<when test="companyNo !=null and companyNo !='' ">
and b.companyNo =#{companyNo}
and ( a.companyNo is null or a.companyNo='')
<if test="vehicleId!=null and vehicleId!=''">
and a.vehicleId like '%'+#{vehicleId}+'%'