From 8d48c59d5d3bcc4148ef97dc6f98e3a8cf9ca436 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hjg <>
Date: 星期一, 18 三月 2024 08:42:49 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] 显示排队序号

 WebContent/basic/vehicleTask.xhtml                         |    4 +++-
 JavaSource/com/mandi/fendan/mapper/xmls/BusinessMapper.xml |   43 +++----------------------------------------
 WebContent/basic/js/vehicleTask.js                         |    7 ++++++-
 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/JavaSource/com/mandi/fendan/mapper/xmls/BusinessMapper.xml b/JavaSource/com/mandi/fendan/mapper/xmls/BusinessMapper.xml
index 231f59c..af98d51 100644
--- a/JavaSource/com/mandi/fendan/mapper/xmls/BusinessMapper.xml
+++ b/JavaSource/com/mandi/fendan/mapper/xmls/BusinessMapper.xml
@@ -25,51 +25,14 @@
 		,min('') sendmsg,min(a.shdw) shdw,min(a.status) status,min(a.vehicleId) vehicleId,min(a.bsNo) bussinessNo
 		,min(a.status) sstatus,min('浜у搧閿�鍞�') name,min('') dcompany,min(a.shdw) rcompany
 		,min('businesstype00002') businesstypeNo,min('') instanceID,min('') canedit,min(0) fdnum,min(0) fdweight
-		,min(0) fdCnum,min(0) fdCweight, ('false') hasCard 
-		 from fd_bsheet a left join fd_company_vehicle v on a.vehicleId=v.vehicleId and a.sdepartNo=v.sdepartNo 
-	<!-- 	 <choose>
-		 	<when test=" companyNo !=null and companyNo !='' ">
-		 		left join fd_company_vehicle v on a.vehicleId=v.vehicleId and a.sdepartNo=v.sdepartNo 
-		 		<if test="cqV !=null and cqV !='' " >	
-					<choose>
-						<when test="cqV=='03' || cqV=='05' ">
-							and v.sdepartNo=#{cqV}
-						</when>
-						<otherwise>
-							and v.sdepartNo !='03' and v.sdepartNo !='05'
-						</otherwise>
-					</choose>
-				</if>
-		 	</when>
-		 	<otherwise>
-		 		left join  fd_company_vehicle v on a.vehicleId=v.vehicleId and a.sdepartNo=v.sdepartNo 
-		 		<if test="cqV !=null and cqV !='' " >	
-					<choose>
-						<when test="cqV=='03' || cqV=='05' ">
-							and v.sdepartNo=#{cqV}
-						</when>
-						<otherwise>
-							and v.sdepartNo !='03' and v.sdepartNo !='05'
-						</otherwise>
-					</choose>
-				</if>
-		 	</otherwise>
-		 </choose> -->
+		,min(0) fdCnum,min(0) fdCweight, ('false') hasCard,max(vq.xspdindx) xspdindx
+		 from fd_bsheet a left join fd_company_vehicle v on a.vehicleId=v.vehicleId and a.sdepartNo=v.sdepartNo
+		left join vehicle_queuing vq on vq.numberplates=a.vehicleId and (a.sdepartNo=vq.sdepartNo or vq.sdepartNO is null)
 			 <if test="cqV !=null and cqV !='' ">
 		 			and a.sdepartNo=#{cqV}
-			<!-- <if test='cqV &gt;= 0'>	
-				<choose>
-					<when test="cqV==0">
-						and a.sdepartNo!='03'
-					</when>
-					<otherwise>
-						and a.sdepartNo='03'
-					</otherwise>
-				</choose>
-			</if> -->
 			<if test="companyNo !=null and companyNo !='' ">
 				and v.companyNo=#{companyNo} and v.vehicleId !='' and v.vehicleId is not null 
diff --git a/WebContent/basic/js/vehicleTask.js b/WebContent/basic/js/vehicleTask.js
index 863d01e..e6763a6 100644
--- a/WebContent/basic/js/vehicleTask.js
+++ b/WebContent/basic/js/vehicleTask.js
@@ -86,7 +86,11 @@
     self.vList = ko.observableArray();
+    self.getSdepartName = function (sdepartNo) {
+        if(sdepartNo == '08') return "涔夌憺鏂版潗";
+        if(sdepartNo == '04') return "鏄庢嘲绉戞妧";
+        if(sdepartNo == '06') return "閮戝窞鏄庢嘲";
+    }
@@ -109,6 +113,7 @@
 function pageInit() { (e) { 
diff --git a/WebContent/basic/vehicleTask.xhtml b/WebContent/basic/vehicleTask.xhtml
index b9fd09f..6f58fdb 100644
--- a/WebContent/basic/vehicleTask.xhtml
+++ b/WebContent/basic/vehicleTask.xhtml
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
                             <th style="min-width: 100px"><span class="th">鏈叕鍙搁厤杞︽暟閲�</span></th>
                             <th style="min-width: 80px"><span class="th">閰嶈溅鎬婚噸閲�</span></th>
                             <th style="min-width: 80px"><span class="th">閰嶈溅鎬绘暟閲�</span></th>
+                            <th style="min-width: 80px"><span class="th">鎺掗槦搴忓彿</span></th>
                             <th style="min-width: 100px"><span class="th">鍙告満</span></th>
                             <th style="min-width: 75px"><span class="th">鑱旂郴鐢佃瘽</span></th>
                             <th style="min-width: 120px; width: 100px"><span class="th">閭�璇风爜</span></th>
@@ -127,6 +128,7 @@
                             <td data-bind="text: fdnum"></td>
                             <td data-bind="text: fdCweight"></td>
                             <td data-bind="text: fdCnum"></td>
+                            <td data-bind="text: $data.xspdindx"></td>
                             <td data-bind="text: driver"></td>
                             <td data-bind="text: phone"></td>
@@ -137,7 +139,7 @@
                             <td data-bind="text: companyName" style="text-align: left"></td>
                             <td data-bind="text: rcompany" style="text-align: left"></td>
-                            <td data-bind="text: sdepartNo=='04'?'鏄庢嘲绉戞妧':'娌冲崡鏄庢櫉' " style="text-align: left"></td>
+                            <td data-bind="text: $root.getSdepartName(sdepartNo)" style="text-align: left"></td>

Gitblit v1.9.3