From a966b5abe5fb804464fe1cd09053a03fe94877fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hjg <>
Date: 星期日, 08 十月 2023 12:28:19 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] 义瑞扫码验证

 JavaSource/com/mandi/fendan/mapper/xmls/Fd_XSTDMapper.xml |    8 +++++---
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/JavaSource/com/mandi/fendan/mapper/xmls/Fd_XSTDMapper.xml b/JavaSource/com/mandi/fendan/mapper/xmls/Fd_XSTDMapper.xml
index 3feffd6..1af2336 100644
--- a/JavaSource/com/mandi/fendan/mapper/xmls/Fd_XSTDMapper.xml
+++ b/JavaSource/com/mandi/fendan/mapper/xmls/Fd_XSTDMapper.xml
@@ -99,9 +99,11 @@
 	   <if test="fdAdmin != null and fdAdmin != '' "> <!-- 鍦ㄨ溅杈嗗垎鍗曢〉闈㈡椂 -->
 		and (
-			(a.td_wfdsl=0 and exists (select 1 from fd_xstdmx tdmx where tdmx.tdmx_tdls = a.td_tdls and
-			tdmx.tdmx_gbbz=0 and exists(select 1 from bussinesssheet bs where bussinessNo=tdmx.tdmx_fdywbh
-			and cardno is not null and cardno!='') )
+			(a.td_wfdsl=0 and exists
+				(
+				select 1 from fd_xstdmx tdmx where tdmx.tdmx_tdls = a.td_tdls and tdmx.tdmx_gbbz=0 and exists
+					(select 1 from bussinesssheet bs where bussinessNo=tdmx.tdmx_fdywbh and cardno is not null and cardno!='' and sstatus='鍦ㄥ姙')
+				)
 			)  <!-- 鍏ㄩ儴鍒嗗崟锛屽垯杞﹁締鏈夋湭鍙戝崱鏄剧ず -->
 			or a.td_wfdsl &gt; 0  <!-- 鏈夋湭鍒嗗崟鏄剧ず -->

Gitblit v1.9.3