From bb48edb3d9faaaeab0088151c86fc24137acdb08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: hjg <>
Date: 星期六, 18 十一月 2023 11:42:44 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] 科技装车

 JavaSource/com/mandi/fendan/mapper/ |    8 ++++----
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/JavaSource/com/mandi/fendan/mapper/ b/JavaSource/com/mandi/fendan/mapper/
index 449409a..b056fd7 100644
--- a/JavaSource/com/mandi/fendan/mapper/
+++ b/JavaSource/com/mandi/fendan/mapper/
@@ -162,18 +162,18 @@
 			" left join nc_hw hw on mx.tdmx_hwbh=hw.pkid and hw.state=1 " ,
 			" join xs_taskmonitor xt on mx.tdmx_fdywbh = xt.businessNo  ",
 			" join fd_bsheet on bsNo=tdmx_fdywbh and status='鍦ㄥ姙' " ,
-			" where SdepartNo=#{sdepartNo} and xt.firstgbtime is not null  and xt.lastgbtime is null and zcWc=0"
+			" where SdepartNo=#{sdepartNo} and xt.firstgbtime is not null  and xt.lastgbtime is null"
 	public List<Map> getHwList(String sdepartNo);
-	// 涔夌憺LED鏄剧ず 搴忓彿  杞﹀彿  瑁呰溅鍖�  鐘舵��
+	/** 涔夌憺銆佺鎶�LED鏄剧ず 搴忓彿  杞﹀彿  瑁呰溅鍖�  鐘舵�� **/
 			"select  bs.numberplates,businessNo,zcWz,firstzxhtime," ,
 			"case WHEN EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM bussinessitems WHERE bussinessNo = x.businessNo ) THEN '鍦ㄨ'" ,
 			" when x.firstgbtime is not null then '寰呰' else '瀹屾垚' end zcStatus " ,
 			" from xs_taskmonitor x" ,
-			" join bussinesssheet bs on x.businessNo=bs.bussinessNo" ,
-			" where sdepartNo=#{sdepartNo} and x.lastgbtime is  null and zcWc=0"
+			" join bussinesssheet bs on x.businessNo=bs.bussinessNo and bs.sstatus='鍦ㄥ姙' " ,
+			" where sdepartNo=#{sdepartNo} and firstgbtime is not null and x.lastgbtime is  null "
 	public List<Map> yRZcList(String sdepartNo);

Gitblit v1.9.3