############################################ ## Generic System Ignores syntax: glob !.gitignore # build directories and files #hg syntax target/**.* #git syntax target/ dist/**.* **/build/* build/* *.pyc # Maven release.properties #Eclipse .settings/*.** .classpath .project # Netbeans nb-configuration.xml nbactions.xml # Backup files left behind by the Emacs editor. *~ # Lock files used by the Emacs editor. .\#* # Temporary files used by TestMate ._* # XCode user data **.pbxuser **.mode?v? **.perspectivev? # documentation **.docset/* # for those crazies using svn and hg at the same time *.svn* # Random OS stuff .DS_Store Thumbs.db # temporary folders syntax: regexp .*/te?mp/.* # Temporary files used by the vim editor. .*.swp /nbproject/private/ /nbproject/