# noUiSlider _Current version: 4.0.2_ noUiSlider is a super tiny jQuery plugin that allows you to create range sliders. It fully supports touch, and it is way(!) less bloated than the jQueryUI library. A full documentation, including examples, is available on the [noUiSlider documentation page](http://refreshless.com/nouislider/). Changes ------- **Changelog for version 4.0.2:** _[current patch release]_ + Fixed some minor CSS issues in the default theme + The slider will no longer force an arbitrary width or height + Changed source to comply to more JsLint suggestions + Removed compressed versions from the tracking system. They'll still be produced and provided, but they'll only be bundled in the [Github Releases Feature](https://github.com/blog/1547-release-your-software). + Some very small changes to internal input testing **Changelog for version 4:** _[current major release]_ + Massive update overhauling the entire code style + Better styling possibilities + Brand new Flat theme + Windows Phone 8 support + Performance improvements + New way of handling disabled sliders + Internal option testing provides feedback on issues Version numbering ------------------------------ Version numbering follows the 'Semantic versioning' style. You'll find an excellent documentation at [Semver.org](http://semver.org/). Compression and Error checking ------------------------------ **CSS** ([CSSMinifier](http://cssminifier.com/)) The stylesheet is trimmed of whitespace and comments to provide a `min` version. **JS** ([Google Closure Compiler](http://closure-compiler.appspot.com/home)) The plugin is compressed using the Google Closure compiler, using the 'simple' optimization option. **Code** ([JsLint](http://jslint.com/)) The plugin code is checked using JsLint, with the following options: ``` browser: true devel: true plusplus: true unparam: true sloppy: true white: true ``` Please note that while some errors remain without these options, they are merely differences in coding style. Using `++` for example, is in my opinion very clear in a `for` loop. Some jQuery methods offer callbacks noUiSlider doesn't require, thus requiring `unparam`, and the `devel` option is required for the `console` statements. The `sloppy` option refers to a missing `"use strict"` statement, which isn't included for lack of testing. Known issues ------------ There are some minor issues remaining in noUiSlider 4. It is a priority to fix these issues. + Firefox will prefer scrolling to dragging the slider on touch events. The `preventDefault()` call that prevents this in other browser seems to fail here. + In IE10, tapping the slider to move it will fail in with these conditions: + The paged is zoomed; + The slider uses the `orientation: vertical` option + The page is scrolled, so that `scrollTop` > 0 This issue affects both IE10 in Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8.